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  • Robyn Lynne Norris

In Your FACE!

This week we take a CLOSE-UP look (literally) at our Audience Members & The Backstage Habits of the Cast and Crew of #DateMe: An OkCupid Experiment. 

We’ll feature:

User Submitted Photos

And some High Class ART (ahem… Improvised Poetry) from the #DateMe crew.

But first…

It’s Time For Our Weekly Roundup.

Every week we feature our favorite moments from the previous week’s #DateMe audience, posing the question, “Would YOU Date Our Audience?”

We’re pretty sure the answer is YES. Because they’re Hilarious!

We had submissions via:


Follow us on those platforms!

Who knows. YOU might be featured!!!

6 Things You Can’t Live Without

One of the questions OkCupid asks their users is:

We recite several of these answers from user profiles Verbatim in #DateMe.

But then we want to hear from YOU.

We asked. You Tweeted.

Here is our favorite from last week:

Screenshot 2017-04-01 12.55.44

Paige, TracyLovesCats truly appreciates your multiple uses of CATS. Here are her 6 Things:


Profile Names

We ask our audience to create their own Profile Names.

This Week’s Favorite Is:

Screenshot 2017-04-08 16.35.59


No, explanation needed. We bet you are MORE Adorkable than the first 7 Adorkables.

And in keeping with our KITTIES theme…


In Your FACE!

I’ve been really appreciating some of the random shots we are tagged in on social media.

Here are a couple recent Faves. I’m leaving them FULL SIZE for effect.

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KEVIN! I hope your wife didn’t really leave you.

But good bit, dude. And appreciate the indoor sunglasses.



Zeroclark, I don’t know who you are but I LOVE that you felt compelled to Tweet this at us. Hope the drink was GOOOOOOOOD! (and stiff).


Not all of our pics are solo. These duos are pretty Freaking Funny:

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Love the pic. Also that a knife Emoji is part of your profile name???

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Ah, Noelle, YOU’RE A whole F-ton of Fun!

And How About Some OkCupid Love…

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Awwww… ADORABLE! Thanks for celebrating with us, Josh!

#DateMe Backstage Poetry Jam

While you’re having fun snapping selfies in the audience, our cast and crew are backstage being Ridiculous.

This week our very own Sam Super decided to have some fun with the new Apple App Clips.

We were testing to see how closely the app could capture our words.

Pretty good, actually… until the end where it just STOPS acknowledging that Greg Komorowski is speaking. How RUDE!

#DateMe Photo Booth

As always, I’ll close out this post with some of my favorite photos from the #DateMe Photo Booth & show this week.

There were TOO many good ones to choose from! If you want a bigger view, just click the photo.

Look How Much Fun Everyone Is Having!

So get to UP Comedy Club for #DateMe: An OkCupid Experiment THIS WEEKEND!

AND don’t forget to follow DateMe Diaries on ALL the platforms for daily content:

Much Love,

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