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  • Robyn Lynne Norris

Messages To Strangers – The Lovely & The CREEPY.

My Favorite Thing About #DateMe Is The Audience.

Every week I get to meet so many wonderful people after the show. And a lot of times people reach out to me privately and through social media.

If you’ve seen the show, you know one of the major themes is Connection. And specifically, reaching out to people on the Internet knowing…

They May Very Well Never See Your Message.

But that you, at least, got the chance to reach out and feel heard in that moment. And sometimes that’s all we need.

I realized last week that I don’t take the time to publicly say…

I Really Do Read ALL Of Your Messages!

Over the past two years I’ve received so many Lovely messages on Facebook about how the show resonated with people.

These messages are important to me not just because they are saying they loved the show…

But Thank You! We’ll Take It! Keep Those Compliments Coming!

…but because they are people sharing their Real and Personal stories. And that means so much more to me than just doing a comedy show.

And while I may be slow to respond, I Will Always read the messages and do my best to write back.

I don’t want to get too personal or share anyone’s private thoughts. So I’ll edit these down. But…

Here Are Some Snippets Of Some Of My Favorites:

This is from Steven. The bulk of it I won’t print here but the entire message was just as lovely as the below snippets.

“I just wanted to let you know that I truly appreciated the reason behind your show. It makes me very happy that you were able to find and pass along a positive and delightful message to your audience members.” “I know you probably won’t see this in your ‘Other’ portion of your messages, but, with all of my heart, I wish you the best on your future shows and endeavors. Thank you so much for this show and the love and laughter you spread to other people.”

And from Maggie…

“I JUST saw the show. I need you to know that I am sobbing. SOBBING. I never thought I would be crying at Second City for any reason but laughter. The show was funny, it was hurtful, it was honest and it was so moving.”


“I know you said you love connecting with people! The show was hilarious, so much so that I think I peed a little while laughing! Aside from that though, you definitely touched my heart and allowed me (and I think, most of the audience) to leave with a feeling of reassurance and confidence about the confusing world of dating and just connecting with people.”

And those are just snippets from the well-thought out, lovely messages.

It means a lot to me when people take the time to reach out. And I’m always genuinely surprised and touched by it.

I don’t know why I find it shocking when people are nice. SO many people are. But if someone says a kind word to me I am pretty much guaranteed to burst into tears because I feel overwhelmed.


So keep those messages coming. And help me CRY Even More!

Why So Serious, Robyn? Isn’t #DateMe A Comedy?

Well, duh. Yeah, it is.

In addition to these heartfelt messages I also have people sending me their dating stories and their…

CREEPY Messages!!!

When cleaning out my Facebook  messages I got a message from Joseph who said:

“Here is a gem to share.”


See, Ladies. It’s Not Just The Men That Are CREEPERS!

I mean, Seriously?!? This is pretty amazing.

That first message is delightfully frightening.

But the follow up is “Even better”.

Gotta Admit, I Have A Soft Spot In My Heart For A Little Crazy. This Made Me Laugh.

Share YOUR Dating Experiences With Me.

A sincere thank you to Everyone who has reached out to me past and present.

And, please, keep them coming. Your real life stories are funnier than anything I could ever write!

I usually go through my DateMeDiaries accounts. But the above messages were all sent to my personal addresses. Since you’ve all opened up, I will, too. You can find me for real on:

Or you can email me at 

I look forward to chatting with you!

It’s Time For Our Weekly Roundup.

Every week we feature our favorite moments from the previous week’s #DateMe audience, posing the question, “Would YOU Date Our Audience?”

We’re pretty sure the answer is YES. Because they’re Hilarious!

We had submissions via:


Follow us on those platforms!

And read on to see it all. Who knows. YOU might be featured!!!

Here Are This Week’s Audience Favorites:

PickUp Lines

We asked for your Best Pickup Lines. And you gave them.

I got meet this lovely lady (AKA Sparkle) after our show last week.


And she was very excited to hand me this!


Profile Names

We ask our audience to create their own Profile Names.

This week’s winners are:

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I Heart LumberJacks

This Was Brought To Us By Our Audience Volunteer, Monica…

Who just happens to be Besties with SPARKLE!

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Sparkles & I Heart Lumberjacks

We Also Enjoyed:

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Boner Champ & Broccoli Rob

Yep. Boner Champ. And Broccoli Rob.

Ridiculous names for a ridiculously adorable couple.

#DateMe Photo Booth

As always, I’ll close out this post with some of my favorite photos from the #DateMe Photo Booth this week.

A Lot Of Fake Weddings This Week…

More Fun Pics…

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These Goofballs…

And My FAVORITE Pic This Week…


Who is this MAN and why does he have such a Lady Following?!?!?!

See You This Weekend!

We’ll have another audience post this weekend. But he hope to see you IN PERSON at #DateMe!

So get your butt down to UP Comedy Club.

And don’t forget to follow DateMe Diaries on ALL the platforms for daily content:

Much Love,

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